Firstly, going in the water when on your period is not a problem, in fact swimming is a great way to relieve menstrual cramps and who says fun stops just because it’s your time of the month.
Low intensity exercise such as swimming also releases endorphins which act as natural pain relief and can make you feel happier and less stressed too. It won’t make you an Olympic swimmer, but it is good for you to keep active when on your period.
If you’re a pad user you will have to consider changing your protection for the time spent in the water, because a pad will absorb as much fluid as it possibly can. Not only will this make the pad very bulky in your swimwear, there is also a good chance the pad will split and spill its contents into the water too.
You may have heard the rumour that periods stop in water and therefore you don’t need to use any protection at all...take it from us this is NOT TRUE, menstrual fluid is released when the muscles surrounding your uterus contract and they can do this anywhere and anytime, even in water!
Tampons collect menstrual fluid before it leaves the body and are ideal for when you want discretion.
Because the fluid is captured internally, you will never have to worry that blood will enter the water and be seen by others. And if you’re in the sea…don’t believe that myth that sharks can smell your menstrual fluid…this is not true!
When you're ready to go into the water, simply insert a new tampon and you're good to go. Place the string in the centre of your swimwear so it’s not visible, just as you would normally.
Now you may be wondering if the tampon will absorb the water from the pool. A little bit of water may be absorbed at the base of the tampon, which is why it’s a good idea to insert a fresh one before entering the water and your tampon will easily absorb this extra fluid too. When you’ve finally finished in the water you can then remove your tampon and either replace with a new one, or switch over to pads.
If you’re new to tampons try our lite non-applicator absorbency, smaller than our other absorbencies and ideal for when in the water. Check out our video below.
Even if your period did start whilst you were in the pool, the amount released would be so small it would be diluted by the water. Almost all swimming pools contain chemicals such as chlorine to help keep them clean and prevent the spreading of disease, so don’t worry that others may see this fluid or that you are endangering anyone else’s health by swimming when menstruating.
Tampons can hold quite a bit of fluid when necessary and of course when you get out of the water you will want to remove the tampon as soon as you can and either insert a fresh one, or pop on a pad if you are not going back in the water.
Get into the habit of taking a beach bag with you when out and about, keep some useful supplies in this bag, such as spare pads or tampons and a dark coloured beach towel.
If it makes you feel more comfortable consider wearing darker coloured swimwear when on your period too!
As soon as you can, pop to the toilet or shower and remove your tampon and either replace with a new one, or pop on a pair of shorts, or fresh swimsuit and wear a pad.
If you have been in a swimming pool, it’s a good idea to have a shower or change your swimwear as the chlorine used in pools can sometimes cause irritation to the vagina or vulva.
If you are not yet ready to use tampons there is still no reason why you can’t have fun on holiday or when going the swimming baths.
If you prefer pads, then pop these on and wear a pair of summer shorts over your swimsuit or bikini to help you feel less self-conscious, you can still dangle your legs in the pool. If anyone asks, say you just don’t want to get your hair wet and have to restyle it later.
If it's a school swimming lesson have a chat to your teacher and ask if you can be excused on this occasion.
If you're taking part in water sports such as surfing, canoeing or even in an ocean or lake, where the water can be very cold, even on a sunny day, you could wear a wetsuit, and a pad can be worn with this type of active wear.
If your flow is very light or you’re at the end of your period, you may not need to use any form of sanitary protection when in water. Be sure to follow the steps listed earlier for when you get out of the pool.
If you really don’t want to be in the water then check out what other activities are available to enjoy.
Chances are your period will not be with you for the entire holiday and you can get some shopping, sightseeing done on your period days. Even have a game of tennis or beach volleyball and our personal favourite, sitting around the pool or on the beach with a good book or magazine.
Some people consider delaying their period whilst on holiday. This can only be done with the permission of your doctor and by taking the contraceptive pill. But it is often noticed that any subsequent periods are erratic and can be heavier.
Remember, that periods are a natural part of life and with so many great products on the market there is no reason why you cannot carry on with your life and enjoy doing the things you love.