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Advice for
Parents of Teens

If you're embracing the experience of parenting teens, especially when it comes to understanding puberty and periods, you're in the right place. We offer expert advice to guide you through this transformative phase, ensuring you're not alone.

Our resources support you in fostering a positive and healthy relationship with your teenager, helping you navigate the unique changes of this journey.

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Top Read Articles

Breast Development

Boobs and bras can be areas of great confusion and anxiety as you go through puberty. Join Lil-Lets as we talk about breast development and your body's natural changes.

Your First Bra & Measuring For The Perfect Fit

One of the biggest decisions you make as a teenager is when to buy your first bra. If you’ve noticed your breasts feel tender, move about when you're active or your nipples start to show through your clothes, then it might be time for your first bra.

Let’s Talk About Periods

The idea of talking to your mum, dad or even friends about periods can feel pretty awkward. But trust us, once you’ve had the chat you will feel so much better.

My First Period

We know you have lots of questions about your first period. Join us as we share some tips and advice for managing your first period with confidence.

How To Prepare For Your First Period

Find out how to prepare for your period, with a little help from Lil-Lets. Your first period can be overwhelming, so read on to find out how to manage it.

Menstrual Cycle Phases

Find out more about the four menstrual cycle phases: menstrual, follicular, ovulation and luteal. Every cycle is unique, but it helps to know these phases.

What Is Toxic Shock Syndrome

Learn more about Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) from tampon use. What is this syndrome and is it common? Let’s find out.

Intimate Hygiene

Discover effective and practical intimate hygiene tips for a healthy and confident you! From daily routines to product recommendations, we've got you covered.

Emotional Changes During Puberty

You are likely to experience physical and emotional changes during puberty. It’s all part of becoming an adult. Read our guide for tips and advice.

Can You Flush A Tampon?

Many of us have considered flushing a tampon before, but you have to think of the consequences too. Find out if you can flush a tampon and how to dispose of one.

History Of Tampons Who Invented Tampons

Have you ever wondered who invented tampons? Discover the unique history of tampons and how they shape period care for women and people around the world.

Vaginal Discharge And How To Deal With It

There’s a lot to know about discharge, from what it looks like to what it shouldn’t look like, and we’ve got all the answers.

Endometriosis Explained

Endometriosis sounds scary, but it’s more common than you might realise. Join Lil-Lets as we learn more about some of the tell-tale endometriosis symptoms.

PMS, PMDD And Period Mood Swings

How much do you really know about PMDD and PMS? And yes, they are a real thing. Turns out we're not just moody for no reason. Read more about it.

Advice For Teens Sex And Sexual Feelings

When you go through puberty, you'll start to notice a lot of changes, one of these changes may be increased sexual feelings. Find out more with Lil-Lets.

Signs Your Daughter Is About To Start Her Period

Join Lil-Lets as we talk about the tell-tale signs of puberty and how to recognise the signs your daughter is about to start her period.

Period Talk How To Talk To Your Child About Periods

Period talks can be one of the trickiest parts of parenting. With a little planning and some tips along the way, you can ensure your teen knows what to expect.

Debunking Myths About Tampons

There are many myths and misconceptions about tampons that have been debunked over the years. Read about the most popular ones here.

What Is Sustainable Menstruation?

Gain a better understanding of sustainable menstruation. We touch on sustainable menstruation practices and how to make a positive impact on the planet.