The idea of talking to your mum, dad or even friends about periods can feel pretty awkward. But trust us, once you’ve had the chat you will feel so much better.
A first period can feel like a huge step in your puberty journey and even though you may have lots of questions, getting the words out can feel like a hug step to take, especially when you're dealing with all the other signs of puberty too!
Firstly, there really is no rush, take your time and pick your moment.
It will only be a matter of time before the conversation moves over to you and how you feel. Chances are your family have been waiting for you to bring this subject up and will be glad to get it out and in the open.
Think about what you want to say and questions you want to ask, maybe even write them down in your diary or journal.
If you don’t feel ready to share this news with your parents just yet, do you have an older sister or cousin you may want to chat to first? They can often sit with you when you have the chat and offer you tips and share their experiences too.
If you’ve got brothers and sisters and never get any time alone with your parents, then why don’t you ask to go to the weekly food shop with them and once in the store make your way over to the period product aisle to see what products are on offer.
After all, you may not want to use the same products as other family members and our Lil-Lets Teens Range has been designed especially for girls who are new to periods and prefer shorter and narrower pads.
That way if you really don’t feel confident speaking out loud this is an ideal alternative and something we all do daily, so you can avoid any initial embarrassment from your side.
Remember parents, grandparents and older siblings will all have been in this position once themselves and most likely felt exactly the same way you’re feeling now, so they’ll understand completely what you are going through and will want to make this as special and comfortable a time as possible for you.
If you live, or stay over with your dad, don’t worry, he’ll know all about periods too! But if you find it hard to chat ‘face to face’ with him, then ask a female family member for some help; an aunt, older sister or grandmother will be more than happy to help you out and let your dad know your news.
Alternatively, you could leave him a note with a list of things you need when he next goes shopping such as shower gel, antiperspirant, wipes etc. And add a pack of pads to your list and he’ll soon get the message.
Periods can show up when you least expect them—even when you think you’re prepared. Here’s a quick guide to help you stay calm and handle it like a pro:
It’s totally natural and nothing to panic about. Take a deep breath—you’ve got this.
If you’re at home, let your mum, dad, or caregiver know by simply saying, “My period is here.” If no one’s home, give them a call or send a quick text.
We'd like to think you are super prepared for your first period and have some pads or liners with you when out and about, as well as when your home.
If you have pads: Put one in your underwear, and you’re good to go.
If you don’t: Fold some toilet paper into a thick square and place it in your underwear until you can get supplies. (But don’t rely on this for long—it’s only temporary!)
Ask a friend if they have a pad, after all you would be there for them if they needed a pad.
Visit the school office or nurse—they usually have period products available.
If you’re shy, write a note like, “I need a pad, can you help?”
If your period has marked your clothes, here’s what to do:
Go to the school nurse or ask the office to call your parents for a change of clothes.
Wrap a sweater or jacket around your waist in the meantime.
Periods can be unpredictable, but there’s always someone who can help. Whether it’s a teacher, friend, or family member, don’t hesitate to reach out.
Top Tip: First periods can be unpredictable, so as soon as the first signs of puberty start to be noticed, prepare, and pack a small period kit with pads, wipes, and spare underwear in your bag—just in case!
Lil-Lets Teens Starter PackRemember, getting your period is a normal part of growing up. You’re not alone, and you’ve got this!
Getting your period is quite a big deal,but remember periods are part of life for half the population, so relax.
If you don’t want to make a fuss, simply mention in passing that your period has arrived, and that you are cool with it. Or if you’re home alone drop mum a text or give her a call. Remember she once had to do this as well and she will totally understand.
Why not write down what you want to say so you can get used to saying the words? We get that you may feel nervous chatting about this, but there is no reason to be embarrassed or even ashamed. Periods are completely natural and once you have shared this news, you may find that other things become easier to discuss too.
Ask a friend if they have any pads you can use. After all, if it were your friend who got their period, you’d want to help them out! If no one has any pads, then pop along to the school office and speak to someone there, they will almost certainly have period products you can use.
First periods can be daunting, or even exciting depending on how you feel about them, but one thing is for sure they are completely normal and should not prevent you from carrying on with your day as usual. In fact, if you have period pain or a few period cramps, keeping busy and going to school can help ease any discomfort you may be experiencing.
Getting your first period is a pretty big deal and lots of girls feel super excited for this time in their lives, so no it’s not wrong at all. In fact, it’s a special time for you, and another sign that you are on your way to becoming a young adult.
No one…and we mean no one can tell just by looking at you that you’re on your period! It’s entirely up to you if you want to share this news and perfectly okay if you prefer to keep it private.
We do have some tips for you that will help you feel more comfortable in school and when on your period, such as changing your pad every 3-5 hours to reduce any odour. Always have some supplies in your school or sports bag and our Lil-Lets Starter Kit is ideal and will ensure you are never caught out.