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How To Prepare For Your First Period

There’s a lot to get your head around when it comes to periods, we know. We've put together the ultimate guide to periods so you can be prepped to tackle anything... even those pesky night time leaks!


Hormones can do a lot of things, including making you irritable. Combined with growing boobs and starting a period, your mood radar is just *screaming* crazy. But besides being agents of chaos, hormones play an important role in developing your body as you grow older. One of their jobs is to jump start your first period. And yet, once you’ve started menstruating, it’s almost like you’re expected to know everything and get on with the period pain, mood swings, spotting…. But how?

Buy the period products you need

Depending on how old you are when you get your first period, you may want to start using sanitary pads at first and you’ll need to change your pad every two to five hours. Lil-Lets Starter Pack has everything you’d need for your first period and has been designed with your body in mind. Ask your parent, guardian, or relative to buy you one and talk you through how and when to use the different items. As you get older, and more comfortable with using different products, you can try out tampons.

Know your menstrual flow

Here’s the thing. Your period is with you for the long haul (it’s loyal like that) and while you might not be the best of friends just yet, with a little time, you can get to grips with monthly menstruation. It may take a while for your body to settle into its natural rhythm but taking note of the symptoms that you experience each month could help: 

  • Do you experience painful periods or only mild cramping?
  • Are you menstruating regularly or is your bleeding irregular?
  • Is your period followed by severe period pain and even diarrhoea?
  • Do you get brown discharge before your period or a little spotting between cycles? 

These are some questions to think about when menstruating and it may help to record them in a diary or on your phone. Before you know it, you’ll have a pretty strong idea of when you’re about to begin and when your period is tapering off.

Light to heavy periods explained

We just mentioned tapering off, which might sound confusing in the context of your period. Well, here’s the thing: while adverts, pop culture, and movies might make periods seem like one constant stream of menstrual fluid that is consistent in colour, texture, and volume, the truth is that your flow has phases. You are more likely to experience light bleeding at first, which will get heavier until it peaks, often on day two or three, after which it will get lighter and lighter until it’s ended. This is why you might use a range of menstrual products with different levels of absorbency over a single period.

Use absorbent night pads for bedtime

Before you go to bed, you might want to switch from your day pad to a specially designed night pad, as this will give you the extra protection you need when you move around in your sleep. These can be changed when you wake up the next morning. Night pads are usually longer and have a wider back, often they also have wings so they can be secured in your pants. 

Use pantyliners for very light days or discharge

Pantyliners, which are basically like lighter pads, are helpful on days when you’re unsure if you’re going to get your period or not and are great to wear when you are experiencing a lot of discharge, especially when it’s ruining your underwear. 

Take severe period pain seriously

It can be difficult to know whether your period pain is serious, especially when everybody else seems to cope with theirs. But if you find that your period pain is so severe that you struggle to cope at school, play sports, or even get up in the morning, then it’s a good idea to chat to your parent or guardian about seeing a doctor or speaking to someone at your local clinic. While you might just be prone to painful periods, it’s important to rule out any underlying health conditions that can cause dysmenorrhea (painful periods), such as fibroids, endometriosis, and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).

Prepare for PMS

Everyone is unique, so you might experience hormonal changes at different times or even in a different order to your friends. For most people, puberty starts around the ages of 10 or 11, but it can start as early as eight years old. While PMS (premenstrual syndrome) is usually characterised by mood swings and general grumpiness, it’s nothing to make light of. Just because your hormones are the culprit behind your tears, tantrum or anger, doesn’t make your emotions, or mood swings, feel any less real, or less valid.

Take care of your mental health

If you’re beginning to struggle with your moods, to the point when your ‘PMSing’ might be becoming more serious, tell an adult you trust immediately. PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) is a serious but treatable condition in which you experience extreme sadness, anxiety, depression, or rage during the course of your period. If you suspect that you are experiencing PMDD symptoms, it would be a good idea to chat to a parent or guardian who may take you to your doctor.

There's a lot to take in, and everyone is completely unique, meaning that their bodies will handle their periods differently. But we hope you feel better equipped around the subject of how to prepare for your period.

Don’t be hard on yourself if you can’t give 100%

You wouldn’t expect the most of yourself if you have back ache or a sore knee, so listen to your body and give yourself room to breathe when you’re on your period, especially if you experience period pain. Menstrual pain can occur in your abdomen, stomach, and lower back. Sometimes, if your period pain is severe, you may experience cramping in your upper thighs, too. Your period pain may also be accompanied by an upset tummy (yes, ‘period poop’ is a thing).

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