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Puberty Advice for Teens

If you’re curious about boobs and bras, or in need of first period tips, you’ve come to the right place. Becoming a teen can be overwhelming, but you’re not alone. We’ve got expert puberty tips to guide you through all the changes.

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Breast Development & Breast Buds

Breast development is one of the first signs of puberty in girls, and it happens in stages that may be a bit confusing at first. Here's our simple guide on what to expect as you go through each stage. 

Your First Bra And How To Choose A Starter Bra

One of the biggest decisions you make as a teenager is choosing your first starter bra. Here’s everything you need to know on how to measure your bra size.

What is discharge?

About 6-12 months before your first period you may start to notice discharge, but what is it, why do we have it and is it normal!

How do I tell someone I think my period is coming?

The idea of talking to someone about periods can feel pretty awkward. But trust us, once you’ve had the chat you will feel so much better.

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Be You Period

There’s no such thing as one ‘right’ way to deal with your period. There’s only what works for you and your unique body. Find out more about our #BeYouPeriod campaign.

Common Period Myths In South Africa

Ready to bust some myths about periods? Self-proclaimed Minister of Menstruation, Candice Chirwa, is here to help.

Understanding Irregular Periods

If you find yourself wondering "what does irregular period mean?", then visit Lil-Lets' website for more information on all things menstrual cycle!

Handling Periods At Night

Whether you’re tossing and turning or lying in the foetal position, chances are your sleep is affected when on your period. Here’s some advice.