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Welcome to Lil-Lets Blogs, a hub for informed learning, understanding & support

At Lil-Lets, we firmly believe in the transformative power of knowledge. Our blog page has been crafted to provide you with the information, you need to understand your body and the changes you may go through, allowing you to make empowered choices about what works for you, at every stage of life.

In the journey of demystifying myths and tackling taboos, we recognize the strength in shared experiences. Our commitment to inclusive representation is at the forefront, and we understand that diverse perspectives play a crucial role in challenging misconceptions. Lil-Lets is a space for everyone who experiences menstruation, fostering a community that thrives on understanding and support.

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Top Read Articles

Changes To Your Body In Early Pregnancy

Written by Lara Taylor, UK Specialist Midwife

So, you’ve recently found out you’re pregnant and I’m sure you’re experiencing a mix of emotions.

Unexpected Body Changes During Pregnancy

Your growing baby bump and ever-increasing breast size are just some of the more obvious physical changes you’ll notice during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Pain And Discomfort

Pregnancy has a huge impact on your body for a whole 9 months, and it's only natural during this time to feel the odd aches and pains. But how do you know what is normal pregnancy pain and what may be something more serious?

Breast Changes During Pregnancy

Hey there, mum-to-be! Get ready to embrace some exciting changes on your pregnancy journey, including those happening in the chest department.

Body And Period Changes During Pregnancy

Crying at the drop of a hat? Wondering why your favourite foods suddenly make you want to throw up? If you’re pregnant, chances are that you’re experiencing some of the usual pregnancy symptoms... 

Pregnancy Related Incontinence

Here's everything you need to know about pregnancy-related incontinence. First lesson: it is way more common than you might think.

Breast Leaks During Pregnancy

Understand the reasons behind leaking breasts, and discover new ways to manage it with confidence.

Vaginal Discharge In Pregnancy

With so many other signs and symptoms of pregnancy talked about, vaginal discharge in pregnancy often gets overlooked, so if you’re wondering why all of a sudden, you’re producing more discharge, or unsure what it’s supposed to look like during pregnancy, we’ve got the answers.

Intimate Hygiene In Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings about many changes in your body, and maintaining intimate hygiene becomes especially important.